

About the HCP

The HCP aims to protect and invest in people. We host the following related webpages: About, Case Studies, , Key Reports, and Frequently Asked Questions. As of April 2024, the HCP has grown to a network of 95 committed governments participating and taking action in three distinct areas. Learn more by clicking on the topics below.

The HCI provides a new definition of human capital and quantifies the contribution of health and education to the productivity of the next generation of workers. Countries can use it to assess how much income they are foregoing because of Human Capital gaps and how much faster they can turn these losses into gains if they act now.

HCI Frequently Asked Questions

Credible measurement of education and health outcomes is critical locally, nationally, and globally. Within countries, measurement leads to insights into what works and where to target resources. It also increases policymakers’ awareness of the importance of investing in human capital, creating momentum for action. Globally, comprehensive measurement sheds light on the differences between countries and spurs demand for investments in human capital.

Case Studies

The HCP will help countries tackle the worst barriers to peoples’ development, using a “whole of government” approach. As of April 2024, the HCP has grown to a network of 94 committed governments that have expressed interest in investing in human capital at the highest levels. In addition, a number of “Human Capital Champions”—world leaders, thought leaders, celebrities, and others—have signed on to advocate for the next generation.

Core Resources

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    Human Capital Conclaves

    The Human Capital Ministerial Conclave is attended by Ministers of Finance, Planning, and Budget from over 80 HCP countries, WBG Leadership, and prominent global voices from civil society and the private sector.

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    Human Capital Key Reports

    How are countries investing in people? What tools are available to support human capital development? Access a curated list of reports and briefs here.

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    Peer learning series

    Focal points share innovative solutions and best practices to accelerate investments in human capital. While participation is limited, recordings from the webinar series are available.

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    Report Series

    Human Capital Project Case Studies Series

    This is a series of case studies commissioned by the Human Capital Project team to examine the development trajectories of selected countries that have prioritized investments in key human capital outcomes.

Recent Reports

  • Human-Capital-Project-Umbrella-Program-Report-2023 220x285
    May 2024

    Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Government of Canada, the Human Capital Umbrella Program serves as a catalyst for accelerating investments in people. The Program continued to advance its work through a whole-of-government approach to support evidence-based initiatives across sectors to foster lasting social and economic transformation. Through analytical work and strategic initiatives, the program influences project design and implementation to effectively advance human capital outcomes. 

  • Human-Capital-Project-Climate-Change-Policy-Brief.jpg
    October, 2023

    Climate change is a direct threat to human capital. At the same time, human capital empowers people to advocate for climate action and to pioneer the technology for a net-zero-emissions future. Read to learn the impacts of climate change on people and how to protect, build, and use human capital to ensure a livable planet.

  • Harnessing-Catalytic-Initiatives-to-Accelerate-Investments-in-Human-Capital.jpg
    Harnessing Catalytic Initiatives to Accelerate Investments in Human Capital - May 2023

    The 2022 Annual Report highlights program results in 18 countries in Africa and South Asia. The Umbrella Program mainstreams and embeds a human capital approach to development, and collectively addresses challenges through multisectoral action—a ‘whole-of-government’ approach—yielding results at scale in high priority countries and globally. 



  • Brief-Protecting-and-Strengthening-Human-Capital-Amidst-a-Global-Food-and-Nutrition-Crises-1.jpg
    March 2023

    How can countries ensure resilience in the face of growing food and nutritional crises? What implications do these crises have on children, and how can they be abated? Find out more by reading the report. Keywords: high food prices, food shortages, supply chain disruption, food insecurity, vulnerability. 

  • Türkiye in Transition: Next-Generation Human Capital Investments for Inclusive Jobs
    October 2022

    Next-Generation Human Capital Investments for Inclusive Jobs.

    The aim of this policy note is to examine the relative efficiency and equity of public expenditures and policies for human capital and labor markets over the past decade in Türkiye in preparing for a post-COVID, inclusive, green transition.

The 2020 HCI: Visualization

2020 HCI: Country Briefs and Data

2020 HCI: Country Briefs and Data

Download the Country Briefs (updated October 2022) that put Human Capital Index (HCI) country data in perspective with Human Capital Complementary Indicators (HCCIs) and specialized Excel files that include detailed data, sources, and methods. These files are available for 172 countries with sufficient data to calculate an HCI value in September 2020. You can . Answers to some frequently asked questions about the HCI can be found here.

Looking for more data? Visit the WBG Databank to see the online , the  interface, or to find . The HCI 2020 also references the socioeconomically-disaggregated Human Capital Index (SES-HCI). 

Human Capital Umbrella Program



About the program:


Aligned with the World Bank’s Human Capital Project, the helps countries design and implement evidence-based multisectoral initiatives that build, protect, and use human capital across the life cycle through a ‘whole-of-government’ approach. The initiative is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Canadian Government and it informs government policies and World Bank-financed operations through data and measurement, technical assistance, and analytical work.


Read more here.

Human Capital Video Playlist

News and Blogs


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